Twizygzaguez en Corrèze – Le fun éco tour…

Discover Corrèze, 100% electric, 100% fun, at the wheel of a Twizy.
An innovative, environmentally-friendly concept for a unique adventure. We offer themed discovery tours:
- "The Treasure of Geoffroy Tête Noire", which takes you as far as the Château de Ventadour: 79 km.
- "La légende de la Dame bleue de Freysselines", passing through Beyssac, the Cirque de Freysselines, Le Mazeau and Le Tourondel: 20 km
- "La route des Présidents", via Corrèze, Sarran. 30 km
- "Dossard 36, l?Ange des Monédières", with Bol d?Or, Tour de France, Chaumeil, Le Suc au May: 38 km
- "GIMEL and its waterfalls: 34 km
- The riddle of the Church of St Martial de LESTARDS
- A le gloire des Clampes (TULLE and the Trech district)
- Free route
To follow the routes, a GPS tablet, booklets and audio documents. The Twizy can accommodate two people.



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Provided services

Sport activities

  • Car


  • In the country