Second flagship product of the cider house “La Blandurette”, apple juice is produced here aswell !

A double use : gives values to old varieties of apples and employs handicapped people

To safeguard a production of traditional cider, about fifteen local growers kept the old variety “La Blandurette”. In 2009, the cooperative was acquired by an ethical company, which employs disabled workers. The cider house now produces some 20,000 bottles of cider and apple juice each year and fulfills the double mission it has set itself !

The Blandurette, an ideal variety of apple

This species of apples is specific to Corrèze; the trees are vigorous, rustic and adapt to so-called poor soils without needing intensive cultural practices. It is therefore perfectly adapted to our mid-mountain territory ! Come and discover the delicious taste of apple juice from Les Monédières !

Where to find them ?

In tourist information offices in Haute-Corrèze, or directly on site !