Candide de Voltaire

Who hasn't heard of Voltaire and his famous Candide, forced to leave the family estate for a stolen kiss from Cunégonde? and who has never heard of Voltaire's famous Candide, forced to leave his family's estate because he stole Cunégonde's kiss... and thus find himself on life's harsh path, torn between pessimism and optimism... and finally become an actor rather than a spectator of his own existence! The challenge is to present to the public before the summer season, one of the greatest French literary successes, Candide ou l'optimisme, a philosophical card written by Voltaire in 1759, adapted and directed by Marie-Françoise Delposen, president of the association "Les Tréteaux du Plateau".
Free admission, hats, refreshments
By reservation


Opening on 07 June 2024
VendrediFrom 20h30


Free participation
